Blog dedicated to giving our love, heart, prayers, time and resources to the Hays family.
$5.00 Suggested Donation per wristband

Saturday, October 01, 2005

New Orders & Why Green

We are shipping out the most recent wristbands today. Thank you for your patience, but more importantly the funds that you have donated for Joe, Laura, Sophia and Ira.
To date, you have given over $6000. There are still wristbands at the churches in Tahoka, St.Louis, and Fortress. I am mailing a package to Manhattan Church today.

We chose the green color for a reason. But just for fun, what does it mean to you?
(Awesome job on the image Jason)

Thank you for the pictures and stories of where you took Ira. Keep em coming.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm an Aggie living in Catonsville, MD... one of my friends sent me your website to pray for your family. I've been checking it regularly and it's been a blessing for my own spiritual life to hear how God is at work in your family's ordeal.

To me GREEN symbolizes growth, springtime, new beginnings, health, and life. I LOVE that the prayer bands are green... immediately when I saw them, I thought it was the perfect color for how God is healing Ira and renewing your family.

Much love to y'all,
Calissa Kneip

October 06, 2005 11:42 AM

Blogger Jenni said...

Will you tell the story of why green was the chosen color?

October 06, 2005 3:57 PM

Blogger sirEller said...

yes, i'll post it tonight.

October 07, 2005 6:01 PM


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