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Saturday, October 08, 2005

Ira's Journey

from Donna Eller:
(beautiful aspens in Lake City, Colorado) It is amazing to see God's magnificent creation and know He still loves and cares for us. Ira's little life is as beautiful as any of the aspens and we continue to ask God to heal him.

from Beth Nathison:
Hi, my name is Beth and I am a friend of Laura's from high school. On Tuesday Ira came with our family to the lake. We were celebrating Tashlich, a custom during the Jewish new year, where we cast our "sins" (bread, bagels, crackers, etc.) on the water and and pray for forgiveness while also praying for guidance and compassion in the year to come. One thing we talked about this year was how the ever-watchful eyes of God are also eyes that constantly peer down on His creations with mercy. This year, we added a special prayer for Ira, that God would peer down on him with mercy in the year to come.


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