Why Green?
Well, I posed the question a few days ago (10/1), what green means to you. When Julie and I were looking through the 5000 colors to choose from for this wristband, it came to me that Green would be a good color because of its symbolizism of life and growth. That was my simple answer. However, I am glad to see how that "simple" thought is lived inside you as well. Calissa posted her thoughts the other day about the color, and it does a much better job at why I think Ira Lester Hays should be written in green:
To me GREEN symbolizes growth, springtime, new beginnings, health, and life. I LOVE that the prayer bands are green... immediately when I saw them, I thought it was the perfect color for how God is healing Ira and renewing (the) family.
How about you? Does that describe the color in your eyes?
My name is Dana Spivy, and I met Joe and Laura in St. Louis just before they were married. I wear my Ira bracelet everyday, and this week something cool happened. I've been wearing this bracelet around my friends, family members and strangers for weeks now. This week, three people in three days asked about it. "What does it stand for? Why is it that color? What is CDH? Will he be okay?" What amazing conversations I have had with friends and strangers about the prayers being lifted for a little boy in New York!?!?
So, Ira's bracelet went to church, a leadership conference called CATALYST (in Atlanta) and a festival at a Greek Orthodox Cathedral this week. Seriously, I'm standing in the shadow of this incredible monument to Christ and His followers--stained glass, mosaic tiles from floor to ceiling--and this one little couple with a baby boy asks me about my green bracelet. God is so cool sometimes!
October 10, 2005 12:09 PM
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